Thursday, October 22, 2009
The (Shia) in Quran and Hadith The word "Shia" means "followers; members of the party." As such, the term "Shia" alone is not meaningful positive or negative, only if we are the leader of the party. If it is one of the Shia (followers) of most of the staff of the righteous, then there is something wrong in the fact that the Shiites, especially if the leader of this kind may have been set by God. On the other hand, if one becomes a tyrant or Shiites wrong-doer, he must meet with the fate of its leader. In fact, the Qur'an indicates that the Day of Resurrection, people will come in groups and each group has a leader to him. God, who belong to the power and majesty, and said: One day and we should call each group of people from their respective Imams. (Qur'an 17:71) In the Day of Resurrection, and the fate of his followers, "" from each group is very dependent on the fate of his Imam (provided that they are really after the imam). God mentioned in the Quran that there are two kinds of imams. Some of the imams who invite people to Hell. Are authoritarian leaders in every age (such as Pharaoh, etc.): We have them (but) Imams inviting to the fire, and the Day of Resurrection they may not find help. In this world and we still curse them; and the Day of Resurrection and will be among the hateful. (Qur'an 28:41-42). Certainly, being members of such parties Satanic Imams have strongly condemned in the Koran, and the followers of these parties will meet the fate of their leaders. However, as mentioned in the Qur'an that there are imams, who are appointed by God as guides for mankind: We are assigned, including some imams who guide by Our authority because she was sick, and firmly believed in Our Signs. "(Quran 32:24) To be sure, that the true followers of (Shiite) for these imams to be a real thriving in the Day of Resurrection. And are, therefore, the Shiites do not mean anything, unless we know that the Shiites of them. God mentioned in the Quran that some slaves were Shiites from other slaves. For example, the Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him mentioned in the Koran specifically because the Shia of Noah: And most surely Abraham was among the Shiites of him (ie Noah) "(Quran 37:83) (Note that the word "Shia" is explicitly used, the message of the letter, in verse mentioned above, as well as the following verse.) In another verse, the Qur'an speaks of the Shiites against the enemies of Moses Moses: He (Moses) went into the city at a time when people (the city) has not been seen, so he found two men fighting, one of whom was of his Shia and the other enemy, one which had a Shia and I screamed to help him against the one who was his enemy " (Qur'an 28:15) In the above verse from the Koran, and one called the Shia of Moses (peace be upon him) and the other called the enemy of Moses, and the people at the time were either the Shia or the enemy of Moses (peace be upon him). Thus is the word Shi'ite official used by God in his holy book to the high rank of the prophets and their followers. Do you want to say that the Prophet Abraham was sectarian? How about the Prophet Noah and Moses, peace be upon him? If someone calls himself a Shia, and not because of any sectarianism, nor any innovation. It is because the Qur'an has used these words to some of the slaves better. Verses that I mentioned above in support of the Shiites, have used this term in the singular (for example, one group of followers). This means that he has a special meaning, such as: Shia of Noah (AS), the Shiites to Moses (peace be upon him). Also in the history of Islam, the Shiites might be used specifically for the followers of "Ali." The first person who uses this term was the Messenger of Allah himself: Messenger of Allah said to Ali: "O Ali Said tiding! Almighty and your fellow OPEC Shia (followers) will be in heaven." Sunni references: FADHA'IL base companions, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, v2, p655 Hilyatul parents, and Abu Naim, v4, p329 Tarikh, by Khatib al-Baghdadi, v12, p289 «Middle East», through Tabaraani Majma, Haythami, v10, p. 21-22 Al Darqunti, who said that this tradition has not transmitted through many of the authorities. Al-Qaeda Sawa'iq the Holocaust, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, st. 11, section 1, p247 So the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and HF) used to say in a number of "Shia Ali." This statement is not something invented in later! Prophet Muhammad and HF): The true followers of Imam Ali who would go to heaven, and this is a big happiness. Also Jabir Ibn Abdillah al-Ansari narrated that: Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and HF) said: "The Shia of Ali are the real winner on the day of resurrection / rising" Sunni references: Al-e Ahmad virtues, as is mentioned in: Rule Bridges affection, by al-Qaeda, Qundoozi Hanafi, p62 Interpretation Durr Wallflower, by Hafiz Jalaluddin Suyuti, who quotes the tradition as follows: "We were with the Prophet when Ali came towards us and said the Holy Prophet: and his Shia will get salvation Day of Resurrection." In today's "high" can also refer to the day of the high-Mahdi (AS). But in the more general term, which means the Day of Resurrection. As it is narrated that: Messenger of Allah said: "O Ali! In the Day of Resurrection and will resort to God, and will turn to me and your children will turn to you and Shiites will resort to it, then you will see where it carries us. (Ie Paradise)." The reference year: Spring righteous, by Zamakhshari Moreover, it is narrated that: Messenger of Allah said: "O Ali!) And the Day of Resurrection) to you and your Shia will come toward God's good pleasure and well-pleasing, and there will come to your enemies angry and stubborn (for example, forced head up). Sunni references: Tabaraani, on the authority of Imam Ali, peace be upon him Al-Qaeda Sawa'iq the Holocaust, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, st. 11, section 1, p236 A more complete version of the tradition which has also been reported by the Sunnis, are as follows: Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated: When the verse "And those who believe and do righteous deeds are the best of creation (Quran 98:7)" was revealed, the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and HF) said to Ali: "and you and your Shia." He continued: "O Ali!) And the Day of Resurrection) to you and your Shia will come toward God's good pleasure and good pleasure, and your enemy will come angry with their heads, until forced to and he said:" Who are my enemies? "The Prophet may Allah bless him and HF) replied:" He is distancing himself from the insults and you you. And has a happy tiding for those who arrive first in the under al Qaeda Throne Day of Resurrection. "Ali asked:" Who are they, O Messenger of God? "He replied:" Shiites of you, Ali, and those who love you. " Sunni references: Jamal al-Din Hafiz bin - Dharandi, on the authority of Ibn Abbas Al-Qaeda Sawa'iq the Holocaust, by Ibn Hajar, st. 11, Part 1, p. 246-247 Then Ibn Hajar said provides a strange comment from the traditions of the first, saying: Shiite Ali Ahlussunnah since they are those who love the Ahl al-Bayt, and God and His Messenger command. But others (ie, other than a year) are the enemies of Ahl al-Bayt, in fact, for love outside the limits of the law is a fundamental opposition, which was the reason for their fate. Also, the enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt al-Qaeda outsiders, and both from Syria, not Muawiyah I and other comrades because they were Muteawweloon, and for them to reward good, and the Shiites is to reward good! The reference year: Al-Qaeda Sawa'iq the Holocaust, by Ibn Hajar, st. 11, section 1, p236 This is how to deal with the Sunni scholars and the hadith for "Shia Ali"! Shiites say they are real! Let's take a look at one of the traditions in this regard: Messenger of Allah said to Ali: "The first four individuals who will enter Paradise is me, and I was good, and Al-Hussein, our descendants will be behind us, our wives and our descendants will be behind, and we will be in our favor the Shiites, and the right to our company." Sunni references: Al virtues, Ahmed Tabaraani, as quoted in: Al-Qaeda Sawa'iq the Holocaust, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, st. 11, section 1, p246 The above-mentioned pieces of evidence, and the word "Shia" is used by God in the Holy Quran to His prophets, as well as their followers. Also, the owner of the blessed Prophet Muhammad may Allah bless him and HF) have repeatedly used this word for the followers of Imam Ali (AS). Shiite word used here in the meaning of, and, moreover, it is not in the plural (parties), rather than the verses above, as well as tradition, referring to his own party, any one party. If it is intended Shiite sectarian, not God will use His prophets to rank high in the Prophet Muhammad may Allah bless him and HF) have praised them. But there are some verses in the Koran, which uses a combination of Shiites is that "Shi ya'a" which means "the parties / groups." This is the general meaning of this term, and not a special meaning in the singular form given in the previous examples. Of course, only one party is accepted by God and the rest of the strongly condemned because they have been separated from the party unique. Therefore, it is clear why God condemned the "groups / parties / communities" (plural) who are separated from this group unique in some verses of the Koran. There can be no two sets of the righteous (with conflicting ideas) at the same time, because between the two leaders, one is definitely better and more qualified, and therefore that the claims and the motives of the leader of the other goes under question. However, I did not precisely define the term "Ahlussunnah Wall Jama'ah", I did not find newspaper "Wahhabiyyah", "Salafi" anywhere in the Koran or sayings of the Prophet. I agree that we should follow the Sunnah of the Prophet, but I would like to discover the origin of the exact term here. We are proud that the Shiites follow the Sunnah of the Prophet. However, the question is the year that are real and which one is not. The word "year" in itself does not serve the purpose of knowledge. For all Muslims, regardless of their beliefs they claim to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet and HF). Please refer to the article entitled "The Koran and the people of the house" for a detailed discussion in this regard. It should be emphasized that the Messenger of Allah never wished to divide Muslims into groups. The Prophet ordered all the people on the followers of Imam Ali (AS) and his agent during his lifetime, as was the caliph after him. Prophet wished everyone to do so. Unfortunately, those who have responded to him were few, and were known as "the Shiites" who are subject to all kind of discrimination and persecution, and suffered one day of the death of and compassion for all mankind, Muhammad may Allah bless him and HF). If each one (or say that the majority of Muslims) had obeyed the Prophet they so wish, and then there will be the absence of any group or school within Islam. Allah says in the Quran: "Hold on to the rope of God, and all of you together, not separate" (Quran 3:103) " And a rope of God, who should not be separated, they are the people of the house. In fact, some Sunni scholars narrated from Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (AS) as saying: "We are on the rope of God, who talked about God, and said: 'Hold fast to the rope of God, and all of you together do not diverge (3:103)'" Sunni references: Al-Qaeda Sawa'iq the Holocaust, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, st. 11, section 1, P233 Interpretation of the Great, by al-Qaeda, Tha'labi, in the commentary on verse 3:103 Thus, if God condemns sectarianism, and he condemns those who have been separated from the cord, and not those who hold fast to it! He also said some of the rope of God is the Koran. This is also true. But by looking at the following tradition narrated by Umm Salamah said: Messenger of Allah said: "Ali is with the Koran and the Koran, Ali, they shall not separate from each other and leading to a return to all of me by the pool (Paradise)." Sunni references: Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p124 on the authority of Umm Salamah Al-Qaeda Sawa'iq the Holocaust, by Ibn Hajar, st. 9, section 2, p. 191,194 «Middle East», through Tabaraani, as in al-Saghir The second edition of the caliphs, by Imam al-Suyuti, p173 Then we can conclude that Imam Ali is the Koran *. * And craft that is, Imam Ali, peace be upon him is a strong rope of God, too, because they (the Holy Quran and Ali) are inseparable. In fact, there are a huge number of sources in the true traditions of the Sunni, who said the Holy Prophet and Ahl al-Bayt are inseparable, and if Muslims want to stay in the right way, you must be committed to each other. (Please refer to the article entitled: Holy Quran and Ahl al-Bayt). Therefore, one can conclude that those who have been separated from the people of the house is divided into sectarian communities and condemned by Allah and His Messenger, because of the difference. In fact, the majority opinion is not a criteria for distinguishing between good false from the truth. If you look at the Koran, and you will see that the Quran strongly condemns the majority of cases by saying that "the majority do not understand", "the majority do not use their logic", "the majority follow their wishes" ... In the last verse, he says: "You are the best nation (Ummah) raised up for (from) people. You had to be good and forbidding what is evil ..." (Qur'an 3:110). Removed also the best nation on the people of the house. Let us remember that, according to the Qur'an, "the nation" does not mean the whole people. But this is clear from the verse above, that this nation (Ummah) is raised for the benefit of the people. And therefore could be nation's only a subset of the people and not the whole people. In fact, one person can be a nation. Sometimes act one person is more worthy of the acts of the nation as a whole. This was the case with the Prophet Muhammad, Imam Ali, peace be upon him, as well as the case with the Prophet Abraham, peace be upon them all. Holy Koran states that Ibrahim (AS) was a nation (umma), and this means that his actions were more valuable than all other peoples. God said: "Lo! Abraham was a nation (a nation), who was obedient to God by nature upright, and he was not of the idolaters" (Quran 16:120) Thus, one can be a single individual to a nation in the language of the Koran. As for the verse 3:100, it is interesting to note that some Sunni scholars have narrated from Abu Ja'far (Imam al-Baqir (p)) as follows: Abu Ja'far (AS) said about this verse, 'You are the best nation brought removed for the benefit of (from) people ... (3:110) ': "The members of the House of Representatives of the Prophet." Sunni references: Ibn Abi Hatim, as is mentioned in: Durr Wallflower, by Imam al-Suyuti in the commentary on verse 3:110 of the Koran. As mentioned God in the Koran: "O you who believe, fear Allah and be with the truthful" (Qur'an 9:119) According to some interpretations of the year, "genuine" means the Imam Ali (AS): The reference year: Interpretation Durr Wallflower, by Hafiz Jalaluddin Suyuti, two reports: one from Ibn Mardawayh from Ibn Abbas, the second son of pawns from Abu Jafar (peace be upon him). This means that the people were afraid of God, and should not be separated from the Imam Ali (AS) after the death of the Prophet and HF). Unfortunately, this did not happen in general, and, therefore, unfortunate and divisions followed. With regard to al-Qaeda friendly world - "genuine", and there are many stories in the year in which the Messenger of Allah said: And sincere are three: Hazqeel (who was) the believer of Pharaoh (see Qur'an 40:28), and Habib al-Najjar (who was) the insured's family Yaasin (see Qur'an 36:20), Ali ibn Abi Talib, who is more positive among them (see Qur'an 9:119). " Sunni references: Abu Na'im, Ibn Assaker, on the authority of Abu Laila Al-Najjar, on the authority of Ibn Abbas Al-Qaeda Sawa'iq the Holocaust, by Ibn Hajar, st. 9, section 2, p. 192-193 In conclusion, we have shown in this article that the Shiites term was used in the Holy Quran to the followers of great servants of God, and in the sayings of the Prophet to the followers of Imam Ali (AS). One who follows this divinely appointed guide is free from conflicts of religion, I have realized a strong rope of God, and that he had been given him glad tiding of Paradise.
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