Thursday, January 13, 2011

Astrological Signs

Astrological Signs is based on the geocentric view of Ptolemy, that the Earth is the center of the known universe. Although we know that the Sun turns around us, in our position, it does every year cycles, and in this way is called "ecliptic". This tour apparent during a year divided into twelve parts, as they did from that time, called the twelve constellations and the Zodiac.
But Astrological Signs does not study these fixed star, but attempts to explain the relationship between the life of our planet and the rest of the cosmos. The man, through the observation of the Sun's apparent motion and influence behavior or changes in human life, a dialogue between heaven and earth, between the whole and its parts.
Who influences whom? We try to speak from a holistic point of view prevailing in the vital principle, which keeps things moving with constant energy. This energy works through a mechanism back and forth, and we are all influenced by energy that surrounds us, while also being part of something, we affect the environment in which we live.
The qualities we see in the Astrological Signs, is the aura of the Earth and understanding of the Zodiac is another important component of union with humanity. We all live on the same planet, we are part of a great body, that can open our consciousness to a somewhat self-centered approach towards a more humanistic thought. At the same time, we are also part of a larger body, our galaxy, and an even greater: the Universe.
The twelve astrological signs. Each sign is associated with one of the four elements or temperaments (fire, air, water and earth) and one of the three motivations or crosses (cardinal, fixed and mutable) The combination of elements and crosses up the basic characteristics of the twelve signs .
The Astrological Signs are models or archetypes that refer to the primordial energy, and through its radiation transmitted to Earth show the qualities that make up the human. The energy of the signs is part of the collective unconscious that is developing as we grow in awareness and understanding. Signs clarify or specify the nature of the energy contained in each of the planets.
All the planets, not only the Sun, are affected by the sign that contains it. Through observation we can see how people with planets in the same sign have a similar approach to that energy, because the sign gives the world a particular provision.
Motivation and temperament (Cruz and item) What we call cross or drive up the essential motivation of the sign. It indicates the law is back and answer to why a particular action.
Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) and air (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are active and extrovert. The water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) and earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are more passive and introverted.
On the other hand, the temperaments of fire and water are subjective criteria are driven by personal and intuitive. In contrast, land and air, are more objective because they observe the events of a less personal.

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